Thursday, August 11, 2011

you're a beautiful soul

she said she needed out.

a fresh start.

she said he gets her.

and thats all she needed

to leave this town behind...


i've been writing. a lot. more than i probably should considering the myriad of other things that i really should be doing.

its been purging. its been painful. its been quite the exacavation. but the end product? satisfying.

what sparked this random occurence of musing?

perhaps its watching a house and a dog for some friends. a house rife with recent memories. good. and bad.

perhaps its this reticent mood. locking myself away from the world for hours. with a silent dog as my companion. and one. glorious. piano.

perhaps its the simple nostalgia that a porch swing brings... the breeze of a storm blowing in. the scent of summer air.

or perhaps i've just shoved too many things in my "deal-with-this-later" box. and trying to stuff one more thing inside made the contents explode. unexpectedly. all over.

i'll post lyrics (and hopefully recordings) soon. i havent actually written the lyrics yet. crazy, i know. first time i've poured my heart into the melody and NOT into the words. i think i like this way better.

i'll leave you with three songs. i've been ruminating on. mulling them over and over. wrestling. and beating myself into a bloody mess...

I was starting to shake
From the days I’ve been up
There’s a lot on my plate
And the ones I loved stopped answering
They left me to find my self
In my own hate
I work all alone with a cynical taste
And the day I get out
Is the day I’ll be made

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