Sunday, March 15, 2009

hear me out...

it's rainy. and i love it. it fits my mood. and how i feel.

i hear this song and i remember home.

and i miss home.

and i remember what it was like to feel that.

and by home i mean not only clinton township but east lansing...

and by "that" i mean love. you know. that giddy-my-days-are-never-gray-always-wake-up-smiling-love-my-life love. not being IN LOVE. just love.




days of wreaking havoc, of being silly and happy. of going to late night diners. being "kidnapped" from homework. of open-mic nights and local bands. coffee houses and guitars. movies and euchre. longboarding and throwing pumpkins off parking garages. dorm rooms and cloves. hookah. late night drives with windows down and music blaring. bonfires. roadtrips. hamocks. swimming pools and hot-tubs. subway. sunburns. climbing trees and jousting. building snowmans and snowball fights. college cafeteria food-fights and wrestling matches. camping. the summit.

days before people were married. and pregnant. and parents.

we're adults.

we're parents.


we grew up?

where was I?


why is it that songs can trigger such nostalgia. i know im not unique in this. why do we associate good feelings, bad feelings... heck any sort of feelings... with a song. why is it that a certain chord progression can make me cry, or certain lyrics pierce my soul. songs are like good friends. you know? they dont leave. they dont judge. they are just there. for better or worse. they can remind you of what you want to be, where you want to go, or why you are doing what you are doing. they can help you snap out of the blues that you may be singing... but can also sit and wallow with you when you need it the most. they can make a moment feel infinite.

but songs cant miss you. you miss them.

things i have noticed in this past month, as the depression lifts.
1. grad school has caused me to have a nervous breakdown on mulitple occasions
2. since coming to grad school i have lost my punctuality. in fact it is almost expected that i will be late. it annoys me.
3. i have become unreliable. mostly due to work. and my unpredictable schedule. but also my unpredictable mood swings.
4. i consume more caffeine than i should
5. i consume less food then i should.
6. i spend too much money on cds.
7. i have a hard time returning phone calls.
8. i miss being carefree
9. i dont like being a grown-up.

and it's all building character.

but i still miss my college friends. and sometimes im not sure if they miss me too.

ok. and now im done whining.

hey look the rain has lifted.


Anonymous said...

Reading this post makes me think that you and me both need a carefree, loose, adventuresome, crazy fun, AWESOME weekend… Yep. One that will knock our socks off and help us to stop feeling the 'nostalgia' cloud hanging over us. Maybe it’s about time we schedule an Asheville trip. That or we schedule a dance party and/or a town scavenger hunt that will go down in history.

And girlie, know that years down the road when we look back to this time of life, I’m not going to think of your caffeine consumption, but I’m going to think of how crazy awesome you were. I’m going to think of all the times you made me tear from laughing so hard, all the neat music you exposed me to, all the sarcasm I wish I had thought of first. I’m going to think back and remember what a great listener you were during our little coffee chitchats or late night movie nights. And I’m going to remember how stickin’ fortunate I felt to have such an amazing friend. Please never forget how much you mean to me and those around you. People will grow up, babies will start popping out, but that doesn’t mean we could ever forget your beautiful spirit and astounding friendship.

Hugs Tiffers! I <3 you :)

Adam Mann said...

hey you!

Adam Mann said...

by the way, i agree with your post 100%!!! i miss the old days too